Welcome to the DeYoung “Riverscape Series” Gallery. This is a portfolio of DeYoung’s Riverscape work. It been organized for you to search either by Species or by Series. Just click on an image thumbnail below to see the full painting in a separate viewing window.
“I have been doing a lot more plein air painting recently (painting out in nature – in the mountains and on the river.) I have primarily been a studio painter my whole life. The control in the studio setting with lighting and easels that can put your painting in any position is incredible. While the control in the studio is awesome, you throw that all away when you are painting in the open air. The wind is threatening to throw over painting whole time. It might rain or snow (or both). Recently I went to Armstrong’s Spring Creek and walked the entire creek looking for a place to paint. I ended up going just below the parking lot, just took a canvas and bag of paints and a palette and sat on rock. The setting was literally inches from the water. I sat and held the canvas and worked in a completely different way than usual. It felt like a return to simpler things. But any artist that isn’t looking at new challenges and how to broaden their skill set isn’t growing. The goal here for me is to be an old man who has experienced many interesting things in life through his passion for painting. These new challenges don’t always translate into what I might sell more of per say. As for plein air painting, it came down to the fact I have wanted to do more of this for a while. To develop my own style in painting river and landscapes. It is so inspiring…chasing trout in some of the northern Rockies most beautiful rivers and lakes, I often set the rod down, and consider the scene in front of me, not in how to best fish it, but how to best paint it.” – DeYoung