Reel Service Project with Vedavoo

Every year, Vedavoo organizes their “REEL SERVICE” project to raise money to support worthy causes – pairing their best packs with their favorite artists. This year, they dedicated the whole of the proceeds to Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, and the veterans they serve.

They hand-built a series of packs, bags, and gear items – then sent these “blank canvases” on to the artists for them to paint, draw, and otherwise decorate the packs to create a series of one-of-a-kind wearable art that were raffled off after Christmas.

Scott Hunter of Vedavoo said “Partnering with Derek for this one-of-a-kind Spinner Daypack set a new standard for the Reel Service Project – and in the pairing of our best and his, we were able to raise over $3500 for Project Healing Waters and the veterans they serve.  So thankful for his efforts that made the 2015 program so special!”

Check out Derek painting the pack and the finished pack below. For more information on the Reel Service Project and Vedavoo Click HereDerek_Vedavoo_bagVedavoo_Bag