Inspiration for “Abstract Brown Flank – Blue”

Inspiration for “Abstract Brown Flank – Blue” which became the 2012 DeYoung Series Brown Trout Flank Abel Reel When I stand in front of my easel, staring at a blank canvas, I search my mind for a specific experience to inspire and give life to the painting. This is the story of the brown trout […]


Derek designs 25th Anniversary Reel for Abel Reels

“Abel has been creating premium fly fishing reels for 25 years, and in celebration of its Silver Anniversary, the company announced a new commemorative finish. Abel has commissioned Montana artist Derek DeYoung to create a quarter-century anniversary design for its already existing fly fishing reels. Abel has started the process of “painstakingly reproducing” the art […]


Late Night Painting Session

Inspiration hit yesterday.. and for me it is so important to recognize it.. and run with it. It took till late last night to develop this 30×60″ painting to a point where I could call it a day. This morning I walked down to the studio just to grab my coffee cup, and ended up […]